Ouvrages publiés entre 2001 et 2017

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Mots clés typologiques


Lieu de publication, production et/ou distribution

New Haven

Nom d’éditeur, producteur et/ou distributeur

Yale University Press

Date de publication, production et/ou distribution

novembre 2016


596 pages.

Présence d'illustration

Illustrations en noir et blanc.

Dimensions et unité de dimensions

16 x 24 cm

Titre propre de la collection ou de la monographie en plusieurs parties

The English Monarchs Series

Note de résumé

Bibliographie p.529-567. William the Conqueror was a formidable personality, whose political imagination and ruthless will were the driving force of the Norman Conquest of England. In this biography, David Bates describes the full scope of William's achievements in both Normandy and England, setting them firmly in the context of Europe in an age of change and turmoil. William showed himself to be an outstanding soldier and an extremely effective ruler, who combined great fortitude with an unbending insistence on his own authority. He was also cruel, greedy, and intolerant--a man who pitilessly stamped out opposition and shamelessly manipulated facts to justify dubious enterprises.

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Cote/Cotes extrêmes


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Achat Librairie Le Brouillon de Culture décembre 2016.